


Options Report

June 2024


Update on Midleton FRS

December 2023


Arboricultural Tree Survey Report 2023

September 2023

In July of this year, Cork County Council appointed TreeSpace Ltd to carry out an Arboricultural tree survey along the route of the emerging preferred option for the Midleton Flood Relief Scheme. 


Invasive Plant Species Survey & Treatment 2023-2024

May 2023

Japanese Knotweed Ireland to carry out survey and treatment works for Invasive Alien Plant Species within the scheme boundary.


Hydrology and Hydraulics Reports Available

November 2022

The Hydrology and Hydraulics Reports have been been made publicly available and are available to view here.


Public Participation Day 3 - Emerging Preferred Option

July 2022

A public participation day will be held in the Midleton Park Hotel on Thursday 28th July, 2pm to 8pm. Please see details here.


Invasive Plant Species Survey & Treatment 2022-2023

April 2022

Cork County Council has recently appointed Japanese Knotweed Ireland to carry out survey and treatment works for Invasive Alien Plant Species on lands along the Owenacurra and Dungourney Rivers.


Project Update

November 2021

Over the past number of months the Midleton Flood Relief Scheme has continued to progress


Invasive Alien Plant Species

June 2021

Cork County Council has recently appointed All About Trees Ltd to carry out survey and treatment works for Invasive Alien Plant Species.


Public Information Leaflet

May 2021

A public information leaflet was distributed throughout Midleton recently. 


Japanese Knotweed Treatment

September 2020

A forth year of treatment of Japanese Knotweed (and other invasive species) is planned to take place in the comming weeks.


Cork County Council- Statement on Recent Flooding

September 2020

Cork County Council have released statements on the recent flooding in Skibbereen, Bantry and Bandon.


Public Participation Day Summary of Feedback

August 2020

All public feedback submitted as part of the Public Participation Day held on 7th March has been analysed.


Site Investigation Works to Commence

July 2020

Cork County Council has appointed Priority Geotechnical Ltd. (PGL) to carry out site investigation works to inform the design of the scheme.


Frequently Asked Questions and Glossary of Terms Launched

June 2020

A series of Frequently Asked Questions and a Glossary of Terms have been launched.


Public Participation Day Feedback Submission Period Closed

April 2020

The project team would like to thank those who have submitted feedback in advance of the closing date, Monday 20th April. Please see here for details.


Public Participation Day Feedback Extension due to Covid-19 Situation

March 2020

Due to the current circumstances with regards to Covid-19, the closing date for questionnaire submissions has been extended to Monday 20th April. The project team would like to thank those who have submitted comments to date. Please see here for details.


Public Participation Day - Update

March 2020

A public participation day was held in the Midleton Park Hotel on Saturday 7th March, at which a suite of potential options were presented for public comment. Please see details here. 


Public Participation Day - 7th March 2020

March 2020

A public participation day will be held in the Midleton Park Hotel on Saturday 7th March, with the potential options for the Flood Relief Scheme on display. Please see details here. 


Japanese Knotweed Treatment

August 2019

A third year of treatment of Japanese Knotweed (and other invasive species) is planned to take place in August and September 2019.


Property Threshold Surveys

May 2019

Murphy Surveys, working on behalf of Cork County Council are currently carrying out property threshold surveys within the study area.


Japanese Knotweed Treatment

September 2018

Cork County Council has appointed a specialist contractor (Japanese Knotweed Ireland) to carry out Japanese Knotweed Advance Treatment Works along the Owenacurra and Dungourney Rivers.


Specialist Surveys

May 2018

Cork County Council appointed Moore Group to undertake a Kingfisher and Badger survey for Owenacurra and Dungourney Rivers. This work is due to complete in July 2018.


Specialist Surveys

February 2018

Cork County Council appointed Cork Ecology to undertake an overwintering bird survey, focusing on the lower reach of the Owenacurra River and its intertidal zone. This work is due to complete in March 2018.


Specialist Surveys

March 2018

Cork County Council has appointed Amelio Group to undertake a specialist CCTV survey of the Owenacurra and Dungourney Mill races and also carry out testing for connectivity along the Waterrock Stream. This work is due to commence in March 2018.


Ground Investigation

October 2017

Cork County Council has appointed Priority Geotechnical Ltd to carry out Ground Investigation works in the Midleton area.


Summary of Findings from 1st Public Information Day

August 2017

The findings from the first Public Information Day. 


Japanese Knotweed Treatment

August 2017

Japanese Knotweed Treatment Works will commence in late August/early September. 


Geophysical Survey

July 2017

Apex Geoservices Ltd. recently carried out a geophysical survey in the Midleton Area. The survey will aid the geotechnical and hydrogeological investigation of the Flood Relief Scheme.


Japanese Knotweed

June 2017

Initial site survey works have identified Japanese Knotweed (an invasive plant species) at a number of locations within the study area.



LiDAR Surveys Completed

May 2017

Bluesky Ireland recently carried out a LiDAR survey of Midleton and the surrounding area.



Geophysics, Hydrographic and LiDAR Surveys

April 2017

A Geophysics survey will be carried out in the vicinity of Midleton by Apex Surveys. The Geophysics survey will assist in the geotechnical investigation of the Flood Relief Scheme.


Midleton Flood Relief Scheme - Public Information Day 1

March 2017

The first Public Information Day for the Midleton Flood Relief Scheme was held on 23rd March 2017 in the Midleton Park Hotel between 3.00pm and 8.00pm.


Public Participation Day 3 - Emerging Preferred Option


August 2022


A public participation day was held in the Midleton Park Hotel on Thursday 28th July. Please see details here.



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