Update on Midleton FRS
May 2024
Since the last update in December 2023, the Midleton Flood Relief Scheme steering group (which comprises Cork County Council, the Office of Public Works and Arup, as consultants for the scheme) have been continuing to progress with the Stage 2 of the scheme as well as addressing impacts of Storm Babet and assessing potential interim measures to reduce flood risk across the study area. A summary of the ongoing work is detailed below;
Stakeholder Engagement - Midleton Flood Committee
The Midleton Flood Committee was established in early 2024 and is made up of OPW, Cork County Council & Arup, together with representatives from the Midleton Chamber of Commerce; Local Elected Members and Community Representatives.
The purpose of the Committee is to;
- Enhance communications between the Flood Relief Scheme Steering group and the community of Midleton
- Assist in keeping residents and business owners informed of progress on interim measures in the short to medium term
- Allow for open dialogue with and input from the general public
Midleton Flood Committee Presentations can be found below;
Midleton Flood Committee- Meeting No. 1 (Feb 2024)
Midleton Flood Committee- Meeting No. 2 (April 2024)
Surveys Completed
Ground investigation (GI) Survey:
Priority Geotechnical Ltd have been on site completing ground investigation works which will be used to inform the design of the Flood Relief Scheme;
- Boreholes works on the Greenway were completed before its opening in mid-March.
- Non-intrusive geophysical surveys have been completed on site.
- Cable percussion and rotary bore hole drilling, trial pitting, in situ testing and inspection pitting are under way.
Topographical Survey:
Apex Surveys have completed additional topographical surveys across the study area.
Point Cloud Survey:
JF Phillips & Associates have been appointed to carry out the point cloud survey of the quay walls on Bailick Rd/ Ballinacurra to inform the planning design of the flood defences required. CCC are currently advancing a package of vegetation removal works to facilitate the point cloud survey.
Culvert Survey:
USA Ltd have been appointed to carry out the culvert surveys for Ballinacurra and Dwyer’s Road. This survey is due to commence shortly.
Environmental Surveys:
The over wintering bird survey and bat surveys have been completed.
Post-Storm Babet Investigation
A detailed post-flood event review report that considers the impact of the Storm Babet event in Midleton was completed. This report is available on the project website .
Scheme Deliverables
- The updated utility data search was completed. Utility data has been received from the various utility companies.
- Planning design is ongoing.
- Technical workshops are ongoing regularly.
- Stakeholder engagement is ongoing with impacted landowners, Irish Rail, Met Éireann, ESB, Uisce Éireann and interacting Cork County Council infrastructure project teams.
- Consultation with CCC regarding heritage and public realm.
Interim Measures
Roll out of interim measures is underway in a phased manner, in compliance with the regulatory frameworks; the following has been completed and/or is ongoing, since our last meeting:
- Interim and Advance Works Report has been completed by Arup, and is under review by the Steering Group prior to publication
- Installation of additional gauges at Tir Cluain, Lidl Bridge and Peoples Park
- Remedial works to Ballyedmond Gauge to mitigate risk of further outages have been carried out
- Derogation licence application for removal of gravels downstream of Moore’s Bridge is in progress; work is ongoing in parallel on the procurement of works contractor for this work at the earliest opportunity possible
- Request for quotations for vegetation clearance (town centre) has been issued, with a view to clearance in June
- Engagement with riparian landowners re river channel maintenance is ongoing
The following interim works are planned for the coming summer (pending various statutory approvals):
- In channel vegetation channel clearance and removal of deposited material from the channel near the Lidl Bridge
- Replacement of non-return valves at Dwyer’s Road and Ballinacurra
- Assessment of viability of debris screens
- Continued engagment with Met Éireann
- Continue with efforts to reach landowner agreement re removal of bridges
Advanced Works
In addition to the preceding interim works, an initial assessment of Advance Works has been carried out
- Advance works involve the delivery of certain elements of the main scheme in specific areas in advance of delivery of the whole scheme – e.g. construction of embankments at certain locations
- Assessment of advance works is required to fully understand the impact of such works
- Construction of isolated sections of defences to protect one area can potentially increase risk at other locations
- Statutory Planning Consent may be required, as may environmental assessment
- Landowner constraints may also influence what works can be delivered
- Assessment of advance works is ongoing