Flood Maps
Flood Maps provide valuable information for a range of purposes. This includes increasing awareness among the general public, Local Authorities and other organisations, of the likelihood of flooding and informing flood risk management activities by the Government to prevent and reduce the risk and impact from future flooding.
The Flood Maps are not creating new flood risk, but they are, for the first time, setting out the extent of the exposure to flood risk in many communities, as part of the Government’s strategy to plan for the most effective schemes and solutions to manage this risk. Therefore, the Flood Maps may highlight areas at risk of flooding that have no past experience of flooding. This should not be interpreted to mean that the areas will flood, just that there is a chance that may flood in the future.
The OPW has assessed and mapped the flood extents, hazard and risk for a range of flood events from frequent, minor flood events up to very rare, extreme events.
Flood Hazard Maps describe the characteristics of the predicted flood for each scenario and include information such as flood extent, flood depth and level, and the flow of floodwater.
Flood Risk Maps describe the main adverse impacts of the predicted flood for each scenario. This includes the effects on people, the economy, important environmental areas and our cultural heritage.
A set of maps is available to view for each of the 300 communities assessed.
The purpose of the Flood Maps is not to designate individual properties at risk of flooding. They are community-based maps.