Flood Plans
The OPW has produced an individual Flood Risk Management Plan (Flood Plan) for each of the 29 River Basins that include the 300 communities assessed at being potentially significant flood risk.
The Flood Plans set out the proposed measures for the management of flood risk in the River Basins, focussed on the areas where the risk has been determined as being potentially significant. The proposed measures are those considered the most appropriate and feasible following the detailed assessment and consultation completed to date.
The Flood Plans provide extensive information and analysis to prioritise future investment to where its benefit is greatest.
The Flood Plans propose new flood relief schemes for 122 communities throughout the country which will protect 11,500 properties. Combined with the protection provided by existing schemes and those that are in the process of delivery, the Flood Plans show how it is feasible to protect approximately 95% of properties at risk in the 300 areas that have been assessed.
The preparation of these Flood Plans is a central part of the implementation of Government policy on flood risk management and meets Ireland's obligations under the 2007 EU 'Floods' Directive.
Strategic Environmental Assessments and Appropriate Assessments under the Habitats Directive have been undertaken as appropriate as part of the preparation of the Flood Plans.
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