
Website Links

The following websites contain useful reference information.

This website provides information on the role of the Office of Public Works (OPW) as the lead State body for the coordination and implementation of Government policy on the management of flood risk in Ireland.

Information on Flood Risk Policy and Co-ordination activities, including the Inter-Departmental Flood Policy Coordination Group and the Shannon Flood Risk State Agency Co-Ordination Working Group, is available here .

Information on Major Flood Defence Schemes is available here .

Information on the Minor Flood Mitigation Works & Coastal Protection Scheme is available here .

Information on OPW Arterial Drainage Schemes is available here .

Maps prepared by the Irish Coastal Protection Strategy Study of coastal flooding locations are available here .

This OPW applications website hosts maps including information on completed flood defence schemes and arterial drainage schemes.

This OPW website presents real time water level data recorded at over 400 hydrometric gauging stations operated by the OPW.

The Hydro-Data website provides you with quick and easy access to hydrometric data that has been collected and processed by the Office of Public Works (OPW) for over 70 years.

This OPW website provides information for members of the public to help plan, prepare and protect for flood events.

This is a web map portal providing spatial information relevant to the planning process in Ireland. This site is an initiative of the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government in conjunction with Irish Local Authorities.

This website details the Irish Government's plans for major emergencies. It has been developed by the Office of Emergency Planning to bring together current available information on Ireland's planning, response and management with regard to a wide range of emergencies.

This is the website for Met Éireann, the Irish National Meteorological Service.

This is the website for the Electricity Supply Board (ESB). A 5-day forecast of water levels on the river Shannon is published by the ESB and can be found here .

Updated: 3rd May 2018