The Office of Public Works (OPW) in partnership with both Cork City and Cork County Councils have recognised the high levels of existing flood risk in the River Lee Catchment and have carried out a Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management (CFRAM) Study for the Lee Catchment which includes the Glashaboy River catchment. The Draft Catchment Flood Risk Management Plan was published in February 2010, and this identified a preferred option for the alleviation of flood risk in the Glashaboy catchment. Significant flooding occurred on June 2012 in the Glanmire/Sallybrook area. As a result, Cork County Council, acting as Agents for the OPW, commissioned Arup in association with JBA Consulting to develop a Flood Relief Scheme for Glanmire/Sallybrook. This website has been set up to provide information to members of the public and to keep you informed of the project's progress.
Following changes to the City-County boundary in 2019, Cork City Council became the client for this project, with Cork County Council remaining in a project management role, and OPW as the funding authority.
The Glashaboy Flood Relief Scheme was confirmed in January 2021 by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform under the Arterial Drainage Acts 1945 to 1995. The scheme is being funded from the €1.3 billion in flood relief measures under the National Development Plan to 2030, and as part of Project Ireland 2040. The scheme, when complete, will provide flood protection to some 103 properties; 78 residential properties and 25 commercial premises. The scheme will include defences, such as walls and embankments; culvert upgrades; channel widening and road re-grading.
In June 2023, Cork City Council, following a successful tender competition, awarded the civil works contract to Sorensen Civil Engineering. In July 2023 Sorensen Civil Engineering commenced works.
The construction programme is anticipated to take 32 months with the works split up into several zones to minimise disruption to the public and businesses.
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