Scheme Update - August 2023
3rd August 2023
The contract for the construction of the Glashaboy River (Glanmire/Sallybrook) Drainage Scheme has recently been awarded to Sorensen Civil Engineering Ltd. The scheme is funded by the OPW, and Cork City Council is acting as the client on its behalf. Sorensen have now mobilised on site and are currently carrying out site investigation work and engaging with landowners and key stakeholders. Construction work is expected to commence in the coming weeks and the construction programme is anticipated to take 32 months to complete.
Project Queries
Ove Arup & Partners Ireland Ltd. (Arup) will be supervising the works on behalf of Cork City Council. Richard Watkins has been appointed as Senior Resident Engineer for the contract and will be the main point of contact for queries in relation to the scheme. Sorensen Civil Engineering Ltd. have also appointed Elaine Cronin as the Community Liaison Officer (CLO) and David Sorensen as the Traffic Management Officer (TMO). Please contact the CLO for any construction related queries in relation to phasing of the works, on-street parking, deliveries, etc. Please contact the TMO for any queries related directly to traffic management.
The contact details for Elaine Cronin (Sorensen), David Sorensen (Sorensen) and Richard Watkins (Arup) are:
Elaine Cronin – Community Liaison Officer
Tel: +353 86 032 6171
David Sorensen – Traffic Management Officer
Tel: +353 85 733 4883
Richard Watkins – Senior Resident Engineer
Tel: +353 87 207 9955