Minister McGrath approves the Glashaboy River (Glanmire) Flood Relief Scheme
19th January 2021
The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Mr. Michael McGrath T.D., is today (Tuesday), delighted to announce his consent to proceed with the Glashaboy River Flood Relief Scheme at Glanmire / Sallybrook, Cork. The Minister, in pursuance of the powers given to him by Section 7 of the Arterial Drainage Act, 1945, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, has confirmed the said scheme on 18 January 2021, subject to conditions as set out and agreed to by the Commissioners for Public Works in Ireland who are the sponsoring agency for the scheme and which will be implemented by them and Cork City Council.
Minister McGrath said “I am delighted that the Glashaboy flood relief scheme will now proceed to the next stage of development. The Government is very conscious of the significant damage that flooding events can cause, and I am well aware of the impact of the serious flooding event in June 2012 in Glanmire / Sallybrook. Last year, I personally met some of the affected residents on site and they emphasised the importance of this flood scheme proceeding. This is one of many flood relief schemes in the pipeline through the Government’s €1 billion commitment to flood risk management under the current National Development Plan – Project Ireland 2040”
Mr. Patrick O'Donovan, T.D., Minister of State with responsibility for the Office of Public Works (OPW), is pleased to confirm receipt of notification that the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Mr. Michael McGrath T.D., has formally confirmed the Glashaboy River (Glanmire/Sallybrook) Flood Relief Scheme.
Welcoming the announcement, Minister O’Donovan, said "The effects of flooding are devastating and can be long-lasting for communities and Glanmire/Sallybrook is no exception, having suffered serious flooding in the past. I am delighted that this Confirmation will, after the required public notice period, now enable my Office, in partnership with Cork City Council to progress this major scheme of works on the Glashaboy River".
The scheme is estimated to cost in the region of €14m. The flood relief scheme will be funded from within the allocated €1 billion for flood risk management over the period 2018-2027. Provision for the cost of the scheme is included in the Office of Public Works' multi annual capital allocation.
Approximately 103 properties (78 residential and 25 commercial) will be protected by the scheme, which will provide standard protection against a flood event, with a 1% probability of occurring in any given year (more commonly known as the one in one hundred year flood).
Further information relating to the Scheme, including the Environment Impact Assessment Review, is available at
The procurement and appointment of a contractor will be progressed for this scheme following a 12 week window period for judicial review. A Judicial Review is a review of the decision making process such as failure to follow fair procedures, failure to consider relevant factors and failure to comply with statutory requirements. General information on judicial review procedures is contained on the following website:
Under the Arterial Drainage Acts, 1945 and amending legislation and regulations, the flood relief scheme requires formal confirmation to proceed from the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform . This is a statutory requirement under the Arterial Drainage Acts. The recent European Union (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Arterial Drainage) Regulations 2019, also requires the Minister to carry out separate and independent Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the proposed Scheme with a public consultation on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and other related material, separate and in addition to public exhibition of the scheme by the relevant local authority.
Glashaboy is the first scheme consented to by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform since the new rigorous review process of Arterial Drainage Regulations 2019 came into force in late 2019. The additional responsibilities of these regulations aim to provide a high level of protection of the environment and human health.