Glashaboy Scheme Confirmation Update
July 2020
In October 2018, the Glashaboy Flood Relief Scheme was submitted by the Office of Public Works to the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform for formal Confirmation, under the provisions of the Arterial Drainage Acts, accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS).
In May 2020, the Office of Public Works received correspondence from the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform that an independent assessment has been conducted and, pursuant to section 7(B) sub-section 4 of the 2019 European Union (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Arterial Drainage) Regulations, certain items of further information are requested to complete the process.
The additional information requested generally relates to further detail on the processes followed and assessments undertaken in developing the scheme. The additional information is to be submitted to the Department in order that the assessment can be completed and the scheme confirmed by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform. This information is currently scheduled to be provided to the Department no later than October 2020.
The procurement and appointment of a Contractor will be progressed for this scheme following formal Ministerial Confirmation. The flood relief scheme will be funded from within the allocated €1 billion for flood risk management over the period 2018-2027. Provision for the cost of the Scheme is included in the Office of Public Works' multi annual capital allocation.
Recent landowner correspondence
As a result of public submissions made during the Public Exhibition Stage, some minor amendments were made to the scheme (primarily an increase in the length of watercourse to be maintained along the Glenmore Stream). Correspondence has been issued in recent months to landowners affected by this change.