

OPW Response to the Lee Engineering and Environment Forum (LEEF) views of the Lower Lee Flood Relief Scheme

5th February 2021

This is an Opinion Piece by Dr. John Martin, Principal Officer in OPW Flood Project Management Services, as published in The Echo, 5th February 2021.


Lower Lee (Cork City) Flood Relief Scheme - Animation

24th November 2020

This is an information video showing the flood relief scheme proposed for Cork City.


Lower Lee Flood Relief Scheme Brochure

26th November 2019

This illustrated brochure gives a comprehensive overview of the scheme. It is also available in hard copy from City Hall, the City Library and all libraries within the city catchment area including Ballincollig.


Statement on Tidal Barrier Option issued by LLFRS

30th October 2019

In response to social media queries in relation to the potential viability of a tidal barrier, this project statement clearly sets out why a tidal barrier is neither required or appropriate for Cork at this time.


OPW presentation to Cork City Council Members

16th September 2019

The OPW presented their plans on the Lower Lee (Cork City) Flood Relief Scheme to Cork City Council members alongside a presentation by Cork City Council officials on the Lower Lee Flood Relief Scheme.


OPW Publishes Report on Public Consultation on Cork City Flood Relief Scheme

6th December 2017

The Public Exhibition Report which outlines the statutory public consultation process for the Lower Lee Flood Relief Scheme has been published. The report highlights and addresses the main issues that arose during the Public Exhibition period.


OPW presentation to Cork City Council members

13th November 2017

The OPW presented their plans on the Lower Lee (Cork City) Flood Relief Scheme to Cork City Council members alongside a presentation by Cork City Council officials on the Morrison’s Island Public Realm Project incorporating Integrated Flood Defences which is being advanced by the Council.


OPW presentation to Joint Oireachtas Committee on Culture, Heritage and Gaelteacht

18th October 2017

The OPW presented their plans on the Lower Lee (Flood Relief) Scheme to the Oireachtas Committee


OPW presentation to Lord Mayor

10th March 2017

The OPW presented their plans on the Lower Lee (Cork City) Flood Relief Scheme to the Lord Mayor.


OPW Response to the Lee Engineering and Environment Forum (LEEF) views of the Lower Lee Flood Relief Scheme

5th February 2021

This is an Opinion Piece by Dr. John Martin, Principal Officer in OPW Flood Project Management Services, as published in The Echo, 5th February 2021.


OPW presentation to Cork Chamber and Cork Business Association

9th March 2017

The OPW presented their plans for a viable, cost effective and sustainable flood relief scheme for Cork City to business representative bodies in Cork.


OPW extends deadline for submissions to Lower Lee Flood Relief Scheme

9th February 2017

The deadline for submissions on the proposed Lower Lee (Cork City) Drainage Scheme has been extended to 7th April 2017.


OPW response to recent press coverage

2nd February 2017

OPW response to alternative plans proposed by the Save Cork City group.



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