How did we get here?

The OPW, working in partnership with Kilkenny County Council and other Local Authorities, commissioned and have completed the South Eastern Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management (CFRAM) Study. The objectives of the CFRAM Study were to:

  • Identify and map the existing and potential future flood hazard within the CFRAM Study Area.
  • Assess and map the existing and potential future flood risk within the CFRAM Study Area.
  • Identify viable structural and non-structural options and measures for the effective and sustainable management of flood risk in the Areas for Further Assessment (AFAs) and within the CFRAM Study Area as a whole.
  • Prepare a set of Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMPs) for the CFRAM Study Area, and associated Strategic Environmental and, as necessary, Habitats Directive (Appropriate) Assessment, that sets out the policies, strategies, measures and actions that should be pursued by the relevant bodies, including the OPW, Local Authorities and other Stakeholders, to achieve the most cost-effective and sustainable management of existing and potential future flood risk within the Study Area, taking account of environmental plans, objectives and legislative requirements and other statutory plans and requirements.

The South Eastern CFRAM Study Area included Graiguenamanagh-Tinnahinch as an AFA, and concluded that a flood relief scheme would be viable and effective for the community. The viable Scheme option for Graiguenamanagh-Tinnahinch, as identified at the CFRAM level of assessment, can be summarised as follows:
The scheme identified for Graiguenamanagh-Tinnahinch comprised mainly of construction of hard defences and associated works through the urban area of Graiguenamanagh along the banks of both the River Duiske and Barrow. 

To progress the scheme to next stage of detailed design Ayesa have been commissioned to develop and implement a Flood Relief Scheme for Graiguenamanagh-Tinnahinch. The project will not be limited to the recommendations of the CFRAM study and will appraise all potential flood relief measures to ensure the most suitable scheme is developed. 

Click here to see how this community was assessed.

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