
Newsletter 12
July 2024
The newsletter provides the latest progress and information on the scheme over the last period. Please find this periods newsletter here.

Newsletter 11
April 2024
The newsletter provides the latest progress and information on the scheme over the last period. Please find this periods newsletter here.

Newsletter 10
January 2024
The newsletter provides the latest progress and information on the scheme over the last period. Please find this periods newsletter here.

Newsletter 09
October 2023
The newsletter provides the latest progress and information on the scheme over the last period. Please find this periods newsletter here.

SI Contract Progress
July 2023
Site investigation works at Graiguenamanagh Tinnahinch has progressed since the last reporting period. Field works completed includes silt trenches, trial pits and land-based inspection pits. Exploratory boreholes and in-channel inspection pits will be progressed over the coming months. All instream works are being co-ordinated with Inland Fisheries Ireland.
Laboratory testing of the site investigation has commenced. The outcome of the results will inform the design of the scheme.

Newsletter 08
July 2023
The newsletter provides the latest progress and information on the scheme over the last period. Please find this periods newsletter here.

Site Investigation Commencement
March 2023
Site investigation works to establish ground conditions and the location of underground utility services have begun in Graiguenamanagh-Tinnahinch. The works include slit trenches, trial pits and exploratory boreholes on land and in the River Duiske and will be ongoing over the coming months. The results of the testing will inform the design of the scheme. Road and access restriction are anticipated and are being co-ordinated with the road authority and Waterways Ireland.

Newsletter 07
March 2023
The newsletter provides the latest progress and information on the scheme over the last period. Please find this periods newsletter here

Site Investigation - Planning Approved
September 2022
Planning approval was granted by An Bord Pleanála in September 2022 for the Graiguenamanagh-Tinnachinch Flood Relief Scheme. Ayesa are currently updating the scope of works to determine the ground conditions for areas where potential flood defence measures will be constructed. Planning permission was first submitted to An Bord Pleanála in August 2021 due to the environmental and ecological sensitivity of the scheme area. An Options report has been progressed to identify a preferred option of flood prevention measures for the Graiguenamangh-Tinnahinch scheme. The report findings are intended to be presented to the public via a Public Consultation Day event in 2023.

Newsletter 06
October 2022
The newsletter provides the latest progress and information on the scheme over the last period. Please find this periods newsletter here

Public Consultation Event 2
August 2022
The project team presented the options under consideration to mitigate flooding in Graiguenamanagh and Tinnahinch at a public meeting on the 9 August 2022 in the Hub, Graiguenamanagh. There was very good engagement with the public with crica 40-50 attendees who provided the team with valuable feedback on flood issues and the options presented. All information presented at the event is available here.

Newsletter 05
February 2022
The newsletter provides the latest progress and information on the scheme over the last period. Please find this periods newsletter here

Newsletter 04
August 2021
The newsletter provides the latest progress and information on the scheme over the last period. Please find this periods newsletter here

Site Investigation Planning
August 2021
Site Investigation works are required to determine the ground conditions for areas where potential flood defence measure will be constructed. As part of this process planning permission is required due to the environmental and ecological sensitivity of the area of works. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been prepared to assess the impact of the site investigation works. The planning permission documents have been submitted to An Bord Pleanála for review. Observations and comments are welcome from the public up to the 14th September 2021. Information and submission by the Public can be made through

Newsletter 03
January 2021
The newsletter provides the latest progress and information on the scheme over the last period. Please find this periods newsletter here

Newsletter 02
September 2020
The newsletter provides the latest progress and information on the scheme over the last period. Please find this periods newsletter here

Public Engagement Event
June 2020
The first Public Engagement Event is being hosted online due to Covid-19 restrictions. To review the documents and submit your feedback please go to

Newsletter 01
June 2020
The newsletter provides the latest progress and information on the scheme over the last period. Please find this periods newsletter here