Project Information


How did we get here?

The OPW, working in partnership with Galway City Council and other Local Authorities, commissioned and have completed the Western Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management (CFRAM) Study.

The objectives of the CFRAM Study were to:

  • Identify and map the existing and potential future flood hazard within the CFRAM study area
  • Assess and map the existing and potential future flood risk within the CFRAM study area
  • Identify viable structural and non-structural options and measures for the effective and sustainable management of flood risk in the Areas for Further Assessment (AFAs) and within the CFRAM Study Area as a whole
  • Prepare a set of Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMPs) for the CFRAM Study Area, and associated Strategic Environmental and, as necessary, Habitats Directive (Appropriate) Assessment, that sets out the policies, strategies, measures and actions that should be pursued by the relevant bodies, including the OPW, Local Authorities and other Stakeholders, to achieve the most cost-effective and sustainable management of existing and potential future flood risk within the Study Area, taking account of environmental plans, objectives and legislative requirements and other statutory plans and requirements.

The Western CFRAM Study Area included Galway City as an AFA, and concluded that a flood relief scheme would be viable and effective for the community. The viable Scheme option for Galway City, as identified at the CFRAM level of assessment, can be summarised as follows:

  • “Potentially viable flood relief works are a flood containment solution for flood protection”
  • As described in the Western CFRAM Study, this would involve the placement of flood defence works in Galway City to protect against flooding in the 1% AEP event and 0.5% AEP tidal event design event. For health and safety reasons, the minimum wall heights proposed shall be 1.2m in height. This includes a freeboard allowance of 0.3m and also allows for protection against the 0.1% AEP current scenario and in any locations also the 0.5% AEP Medium Range Future Scenario (MRFS). The OPtion presented in the Western CFRAMS includes flood defence works extending from the docks continuing along Long Walk and Spanish Arch and the Claddagh area, along Grattan road and Father Griffin Road. The works described would also include placement of flood defence works along the Claddagh basin and Nimmo's pier and incorporation into the public realm at Merchants Quay and at the Spanish Arch.
  • Flood defence works are also to be provided along the lower part of the Eglinton Canal behind Dominick Street and property line defences incorporated along Raven Terrace and in upper and lower Salthill.

The objective of Coirib go Cósta is the identification, design and submission (for planning consent) of a Flood Relief Scheme, that is technically, socially, environmentally, aesthetically and economically acceptable, to alleviate the risk of flooding to the Community of Galway City to a determined Standard of Protection and subsequent construction of the Scheme.

The Western CFRAM Study reports (UoM30) are available, for information purposes, from the publications section of  (


Project Timeframe 

Stage 1 – Options assessment, Scheme Development and Design 

  • Review and assessment of the technical analysis and preliminary measures identified in the Western CFRAM Study Reports and the FRMP for Unit of Management 30
  • Hydrology and hydraulic modelling and production of revised mapping
  • Procurement of surveys (topographical, bathymetric, environmental, drainage, CCTV, utilities etc.)
  • Carrying out a Constraints Study to identify the key environmental issues in the study area, which may be impacted upon by possible flood alleviation measures, and/or which may impose constraints on the viability and/or design of one or more measures
  • Assessment, including technical, environmental, architectural and economic assessments, and through detailed hydraulic modelling, of potential flood risk management options
  • Cost benefit assessment of scheme options
  • Assessment and development of a preferred scheme
  • Producing a Scheme Climate Change Adaptation Plan
  • Producing a Preliminary Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)
  • Producing a Preliminary Buildability and Operation/Maintenance Report
  • Public consultation, including Public Engagement Days, stakeholder consultation, school presentations, presentations to elected members, newsletters etc. 

Stage 2 – Planning/Development Consent and Design

  • Preparation of an initial Natura Impact Statement and Environmental Impact Assessment Reports Screening
  • Producing Natura Impact Statement (NIS) and Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR), if required, incorporating Ecological Impact/Biodiversity Assessment as required
  • Provision of all documentation required to progress the scheme through the necessary planning and other statutory processes
  • Submission of the scheme for planning consent
  • Public display and period for submissions
  • Provision of addendums to the Environmental Assessments as a result of the outcomes/conditions of the planning process
  • Preparation of and application for foreshore consent and archaeological licences as required

Stage 3 – Detailed Construction Design and Tender

  • Undertaking and completing the detailed construction design of the Scheme
  • Update or provide addendums to the environmental assessments undertaken in Stage I, and complete any other environmental assessments, consents or surveys
  • Producing a Developed Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)
  • Producing a Developed Buildability and Operation/Maintenance Report
  • Preparation of Construction Contract Documents and undertaking the procurement of a works contractor to construct the scheme

Stage 4 – Construction 


Stage 5 – Handover of Work

CatchmentsA. Galway Bay Noth | B. Corrib | C. Galway Bay South East


Postal address: Corporate House, City East Business Park, Ballybrit, Galway H91 K5YD

Telephone: 091 894700


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