
Creative Climate Action: Línte na Farraige
Creative Climate Action: Línte na Farraige
Translating as “Line of the Sea”, Línte na Farraige is a project that highlights the issues of rising sea levels due to climate change. This project is part of the Creative Climate Action programme and consists of a series of light installations across Irish coastal sites. The installations reveal the risks of rising seas and storm surges and demonstrate the need to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, to lower the line and adapt together to protect our coastlines. One of the project locations is the Spanish Arch, Galway City. Please refer to the following links for further details:
This light installation project is not part of the Coirib go Cósta project, however it clearly demonstrates the potential impact of climate change within the coastal environment, in particular at the Spanish Arch. The Coirib go Cósta project team consider climate change and its impacts to be a key issue in the design of this project.

Newsletter no. 1 - Public Engagement Day
May 2021
The first Public Engagement Day for the Coirib go Cósta will be held online, on 1st June 2021, from 9am to 6pm. For further details please consult the newsletter no. 1.