
Given the long history of flooding in Cork City and Blackpool, and having carried out a Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management (CFRAM) Study for the Lee Catchment, the Office of Public Works (OPW) recognises the high levels of existing flood risk in and around Cork City and Blackpool. The Draft Catchment Flood Risk Management Plan was published in February 2010, and identified a preferred option for the alleviation of flood risk in Cork City along the Lower Lee. It did not identify a scheme for Blackpool. However, significant flooding occurred in Blackpool in 2012 and highlighted the need for flood protection measures.

To progress the implementation of flood risk management measures for Cork City and Blackpool, the OPW commissioned Arup in conjunction with JBA Consulting to develop a flood relief scheme for Cork City and Blackpool. The OPW has also commissioned Ryan Hanley Consulting Engineers and McCarthy Keville O'Sullivan to assist with the environmental aspects of the project.

Subsequently, it was decided to deliver the Lower Lee and Blackpool flood relief schemes as separate and distinct schemes.

This website has been set up to provide information to members of the public and to keep you informed of the progress of the Bride (Blackpool) FRS scheme.

Information on the Lower Lee (Cork City) Flood Relief Scheme can be found at www.lowerleefrs.ie

The Blackpool Scheme will consist of flood defence measures and conveyance improvements in Blackpool, in particular along Commons Road and in Blackpool Village.

More Information on the Bride (Blackpool) Flood Relief Scheme can be found here.


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Latest News

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River Bride (Blackpool) Certified Drainage Scheme – Update more


Minister McGrath approves the Blackpool Flood Relief Scheme more


Blackpool Flood Relief Scheme - EIAR and NIS more


Blackpool FRS Hydraulics Report and Options Report now uploaded more


Blackpool Flood Relief Scheme Public Exhibition Nov/Dec 2015 more


Lower Lee FRS Contraints Study more


Lower Lee Public Information Day No. 2 more


Lower Lee Public Information Day No. 1 more


Postal address: Arup, One Albert Quay, Cork, T12 X8N6, Ireland

Telephone: +353 (0)21 427 7670 / +353 (0)21 427 2345

Email: blackpoolfrs@arup.com

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