Conservation Heritage (Including Repairing and strengthening the quays)

When undertaking essential infrastructure works in any historic city, it is vital to carefully consider and respect our heritage. The design team includes conservation architects and specialists who have ensured that the design has been informed by an in-depth appreciation of the key heritage assets and how interventions can be achieved in an appropriate manner sensitive to the city’s heritage. LLFRS will safeguard historic elements which contribute to the identity of Cork. The Scheme provides significant investment in key elements such as historic railings, the limestone of the quaysides and the public realm settings around buildings such as the Custom House.

Inscribed Cast-iron mooring on Lapps Quay

Historic bollard with retained elements of guard chain on Lapps Quay

A significant benefit of the scheme is that approximately 400 protected structures and 20 structures on the Record of Monuments and Places which currently lie within the flood risk area will be protected from flooding to the 1% AEP standard.

Safeguarding historic structures that currently lay within the flood risk area

Respectfully repairing and strengthening the quays will prevent potential collapse of these unique historic and vital infrastructure assets.

High quality materials and detailing will be used in keeping with the character of particular areas.

Interpretative elements will be sensitively created and integrated into various settings around the riverside. These will make the most of this natural asset and will help people - locals and visitors alike - to have a greater appreciation of the area, its history, culture and characters.

Restored and Strengthened North Channel Quays


Postal address: OPW, 1 George's Quay, Dublin, D02 Y098


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