Climate Change

A significant body of work has been undertaken to ensure that the Scheme has been considered in the context of the medium and longer term, as well as the immediate needs of the city. This is important, as it ensures that the solution delivered now is compatible with any and all plausible future interventions that may be needed, and that it won’t become redundant.

An explicit upfront allowance for 100mm of sea level rise is being incorporated into the proposed defence heights in the tidal reach of the city. In addition, foundations and other design features have been sized to allow even further adaptation or augmentation in the future if necessary. The proposed scheme will provide an appropriately high level of protection for the foreseeable future.


Some people have queried whether the construction of a tidal barrier would be beneficial. This was one of the options initially considered. However, based on the best available science, it is highly uncertain if a tidal barrier or barrage will ever be required or viable on Cork. The consideration of worst-case sea-level rise projections suggests that the earliest a barrier might become viable is next century.

Conversely, it is certain that quayside defences are both necessary and viable now, and in all possible future scenarios, both to address river flooding and to function as part of an integrated and sustainable tidal defence solution.

In summary, the work undertaken has confirmed that the proposed scheme represents a robust, evidence-based solution for Cork, and is the first vital step in a long-term climate strategy for the city.

The OPW and Cork City Council will continue to collect and record further river/rainfall gauge data that will provide the next generation with more extensive data to make informed decisions about any next steps that may be needed in the future.

All of the above analysis has been completed as part of the preparation of a Scheme Climate Change Adaptation Plan, which when finalised, will be included in the Scheme Documentation to be submitted as part of the statutory consent processes for the Scheme.

Flooding on Morrison's Quay (August 2020)


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