The Lee Fields provides a good opportunity to significantly enhance biodiversity. The ground will be profiled to create areas of wetland as well as variation in sunlight and shade that is suitable for different species. Cycle connections will enable pedestrians and cyclists to engage with areas of wildflowers, riparian areas and woodland. Educational opportunities will be taken to increase awareness of the importance of these environments. Proposals for areas like the Lee Fields introduce species-rich wildflowers, riparian vegetation and wildlife corridors.
Within the quayside areas, existing mature trees are safeguarded, recognising that they are valuable to birds, bats and insects; as well as being important in our views of areas such as North Mall. Proposals improve the environment in which existing trees can continue to grow healthily and introduce new trees that will contribute positively for years to come.
Care has been taken in developing proposals for the river edge. Where possible gradients are proposed, with associated planting, that nature can sustain. Slopes, particularly along the riverside are important environments for wildlife. Proposals have been carefully developed that have appropriate angles, where planting can naturally be sustained and where erosion is minimised. Incorporation of ‘toe’ wood’ in appropriate locations is one of the means of strengthening the natural resilience.
Throughout, the areas of existing and additional grass, shrub and tree planting, it is proposed to introduce bat boxes, kingfisher nest chambers, artificial otter holt, and sand martin nesting walls in appropriate locations.