Project Timeframe


The project shall comprise up to five stages, as shown below:


Stage I: Scheme Development and Design

Stage I will involve the collection of all relevant data. Relevant surveys will be prepared, tendered and managed in line with national guidance and best practice.  Following collection of this data, hydrological and hydraulic analysis of the study area will be carried out. A full cost-benefit analysis of the Scheme will also be undertaken. The main tasks include the following:

  • Carry out a review and assessment of the technical analysis of existing information including the preferred measures identified in the CFRAM Flood Risk Management Plan for Unit of Management 21.
  • Hydrological and hydraulic modelling.
  • Geotechnical Assessment.
  • Undertake all identified baseline environmental surveys and site investigations.
  • Production of Invasive Species Management Plan
  • Production of an Environmental Constraints Study
  • Assessment of potential flood risk management options to alleviate the risk of flooding to the community of Kenmare
  • Selection, development and design of a preferred scheme option (the ‘Scheme’).
  • Preparation of an initial Appropriate Assessment Screening Statement, Natura Impact Statement and Environmental Impact Assessment Reports
  • Production of a Scheme Climate Change Adaptation Plan


Stage II: Planning

Stage II will involve preparation of all documentation, including environmental documentation, required to progress the Scheme through the necessary planning, including public display, and other statutory processes.


Stage III: Detailed Construction Design and Tender 

Stage III will involve detailed design, preparation of tender documents and a public competition to appoint a main works contractor.


Stage IV: Construction

Construction will be carried out by a works contractor, under supervision of the consultant, following a public procurement competition. A functioning scheme will be in place at the end of stage IV.


Stage V: Handover of Works

Commission of the completion certificate. Preparation of a financial analysis report for the project.  ‘As-Built’ surveys, ‘As-Built’ flood mapping and an updated Climate Change Adaption plan will be prepared.









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