Frequently Asked Questions

A: The scheme is being funded by the OPW. As part of the Governments €1.3 billion investment program being delivered under Project Ireland 2040.

A: The scheme will improve the standard of flood protection for Arklow to protect against the 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (1 in 100 year) fluvial (river) flood event and 0.5% Annual Exceedance Probability (1 in 200 year) coastal flood event.

A: No, this will be a key consideration in the design. We will consider the impacts on Arklow and the surrounding area, rather than focusing on places that have flooded, to ensure that any works completed as part of this scheme do not increase the flood risk to surrounding lands.

A: You can look at the flood maps on the OPW's CFRAM website to see the flood extents for Arklow and other towns within the CFRAM study area

A: Environmental considerations are a high priority for the development of the Arklow FRS and environmental consultants are key members of the project steering group.

A: This website will be constantly updating with the latest news and details of forthcoming public consultation events. You can also use the 'Contact Us' page to ask a question or provide feedback or register to be emailed with project updates.

A: OPW provides advice for people whose property and businesses are at risk of flooding. For more information, and to help you prepare, click here.

OPW's National Flood Information Portal -