
Storm Herminia Flood Event
On the 27th of January 2025 the town of Arklow experienced a flood event due to the arrival of Storm Herminia. An article describing the effects of this storm has been published by the Irish Independent and may be found here.

Newsletter 04
The January edition of the Arklow FRS newsletter is now available and may be viewed here .

Ground Investigations (November 2024 Update)
Exploratory ground investigations have begun in the Arklow Marsh including archaeological test trenches and boreholes for sampling and analysis. These investigations will aid in the detailed design of the Marsh Embankment. Slit trenching works are currently underway along South Quay to aid utility diversions.

Newsletter 03
The September edition of the Arklow FRS newsletter is now available and may be viewed here.

Topography and Ground Penetrating Radar (September 2024 Update)
The topography and ground penetrating radar surveying for Arklow FRS have been successfully completed as well as additional elevation surveying of the Nineteen arches bridge. The results of these surveys shall be used to progress the detailed designs and utility diversions within the scheme.

Water Quality Monitoring
TMS Environment Ltd has been contracted to perform environmental monitoring of key water quality parameters in the Avoca River for the next 12 months. The results of this monitoring shall be used to establish a baseline quality for the river and ensure that construction of the flood defences does not negatively impact the quality of the river and marine environment.

Site Investigations/ Archeaological Contract (July 2025 Update)
IGSL ground investigation and geotechnical specialists have successfully tendered for the site Investigation and archaeological contract for Arklow FRS. These Investigation works are due to begin in August 2024.

Newsletter 02
The June edition of the Arklow FRS newsletter is now available and may be viewed here.

Topography/ Ground Penetrating Radar (June 2024 Update)
Apex Surveys have successfully tendered for the Topography and Ground Penetrating Radar contract for Arklow FRS. Survey works are due to begin in June 2024.

Newsletter 01
The May edition of the Arklow FRS newsletter is now available and may be viewed here .

Site Investigations/Archeaological contract
A tender has been put out by Wicklow County Council for the site and archeaological investigations and works. Tender submissions are now being accepted.

Topography/Ground Penetrating Radar
A tender has been put out for the Topography/Ground Penetrating Radar investigations by Wicklow County Council. Submissions have been returned and are currently being reviewed.

Appointment of Consultants
Wicklow County Council, in partnership with the Office of Public Works, has appointed Ayesa in December 2023 to undertake the detailed design, procurement, contruction contract management and handover for the Arklow Flood Relief Scheme. Ayesa will also provide all environmental services. The contract commenced in January 2024.