November 2020 Scheme Update Douglas FRS
The construction works in the stream through Ravensdale, Church Road and Douglas Community Park were completed at the end of October and the river was returned to its normal flow. The remaining works in Ravensdale and Church Road include stonework to walls, paving, road reinstatement and planting. In the park, the outstanding works include paving to public plazas, path resurfacing and tree planting.
The contractor was granted a 4 week road closure for Church Road in Novemeber to facilitate the reinstatement works. This has now been completed. We would like to thank the people of Douglas for their patience during this closure. An overnight closure will be required near Christmas to allow for the final road surface to be laid.
The works in Douglas are on course to be fully completed by the end of January 2021.
We would like to thank you again for your cooperation and patience. We hope you are keeping safe.